Allegory and Satire

For this brief we were asked to look at a current situation/ news story/ historical event/ societal problem and illustrate a satirical narrative based on the subject chosen.

Referring to satire the first think I thought back to was my Christmas project, 12 Days of Christmas News, as I did a lot of satirical illustrations for that brief. I particularly enjoyed doing the satirical images of Donald Trump as he is a current situation that everyone is aware of. Therefore, I decided to make a little leaflet, which speaks for itself, about the current situation surrounding Donald Trump and his actions.

I first looked at the speculation about Donald Trump resigning by autumn. I automatically thought of the whitehouse and created a thumbail of what I would like the image to look like. Next I looked at the situation which is ongoing with muslims and decided to recreate this into a satirical illustration. I also looked back to the illustrations that I did for the christmas brief and decided to revisit Trump making deals with Russia and China and see what different things I could come up with and I also looked at the fact that the public are now referring to Trump as a lame duck, and come up with an idea.



After jotting down initial ideas and creating thumbnails I made a start on my publication. This is the finished result:

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Overall I am extremely unhappy with how this turned out. I did not have the correct materials with me at that time due to unforeseen circumstances. It looks extremely rushed and it is not done well at all. If i was to improve next time I would definitely spend more time on redoing this in a different layout, with different materials and I wouldn’t rush it as much. However, I do like the sarcastic and witty nature of the images so I feel like I have used satire in an effective way.

Things I’ve learnt from this brief is:

  • Do not rush work for any reason
  • Do not settle for any material make sure that the material works with what youre trying to do
  • Finding more effective ways to produce your work on makes a lot of difference.

Author: bkeillustration

Bethan Edwards. First Year Illustration student at Cardiff Metropolitan University (CSAD).

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